Mega Chicken Factories will Harm our Rivers
The North Santiam River is part of the 3 Basin Rule to protect it as a watershed river. The cities of Salem, Lyons, Stayton, Jefferson and Turner all get their water from this river. Spring Chinook Salmon and Winter Steelhead, both of which are listed as Threatened under the Endangered Species Act, spawn and rear in this river. Oregon Chub (formerly listed as endangered) and Pacific Lamprey (currently listed as a species of concern) also spawn and rear in this river.
The proposed Scio chicken factory which will grow 3.4 million birds/year is located adjacent to Wiseman Island, which is owned by Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) for Salmon and Steelhead habitat. This portion of the river is some of the best Salmon and Steelhead habitat left in the Willamette Valley.
We asked a Fisheries Biologist, who specializes in Salmon and Steelhead habitat, to float the Wiseman Island reach of the river and explain why this section of the river should be protected from harm. This below video is the result of that float.